06-04-24 Exam Batch-01

Welcome to my preparations Exam Centre. This is free Model Test Exam. This Model Test Exam Module has negative marking of 0.25 on every wrong answer & 1 mark for every right Answer. Negative marking may vary sometimes. This is a Public Exam Question ,We Tried our best to keep the answer correct yet there maybe some mistake. If you find any then write it on the comment box. Thanks in advance. Good Luck!!

1. 1. Shakespeare was born in the year—


2. 2. The drama ‘Man and Superman’ written by—


3. 3. ‘The Scholar Gypsy’ is written by—


4. 4. Who is the author of ‘The Voice of the Silence’?


5. 5. ‘Help thyself and God will help thee’—who told it?


6. 6. ‘But I have promise to keep, And miles to go before I sleep’ is quoted by—


7. 7. Metaphor is a comparison between—


8. 8. An English poet died of Tuberculosis was—


9. 9. Guy de Maupassant is a famous…..short story writer.


10. 10. ‘Sweet are the used of adversity’ was started by—


11. 11. The book ‘On Liberty’ was written by—


12. 12. Who is the author of ‘Arabian Nights’?


13. 13. Who wrote the ‘The Clash of Civilizations’?


14. 14. ‘Things Fall Apart’ was written by—


15. 15. Who is the tragic character in ‘Death of a Salesman’?


16. 16. ‘The Return of the Native’ is written by—


17. 17. ‘Nature never did betray the heart that loved her’ is a quotation from—


18. 18. Who wrote the famous poetic line ‘To err is human, to forgive divine’?


19. 19. Who wrote ‘Crime and Punishment’?


20. 20. John Keats belonged to—


21. 21. Rahim always runs quite fast. Here ‘always’ is—


22. 22. Down with the tyrant! Here ‘down’ is a/an—


23. 23. Identify the parts of speech of the word ‘vivid’?


24. 24. The word ‘respond’ is—


25. 25. The part of speech of the word ‘Generalisation’ is—


26. 26. What kind of noun is the word ‘cattle’?


27. 27. Which of the following is not a collective noun?


28. 28. The noun of ‘predict’ is—


29. 29. I need………..milk.


30. 30. He went to………and…………


31. 31. Identify the word which remains the same in its plural form?


32. 32. I spent…….with the patient.


33. 33. The appropriate plural form of the word ‘stratum’?


34. 34. Choose the correct plural form—


35. 35. Which gender is the word ‘orphan’?


36. 36. What is the feminine gender of the word ‘tiger’?


37. 37. I have read the book………you lent me.


38. 38. I met a person……I never saw earlier.


39. 39. The child cried for………mother.


40. 40. What is the verb form of the word ‘ability’?


41. 41. The police…….informed yesterday.


42. 42. ‘A lost opportunity never returns’. Here ‘lost’ is-


43. 43. Which of the following words can be used as a verb?


44. 44. Columbus………America.


45. 45. He talks as if he…….everything.


46. 46. I saw a girl……..in the pool.


47. 47. Reading is good habit. Here ‘reading’ is—


48. 48. ‘Fed’ is the past form of the verb—


49. 52. The Principal will……….the answer scripts.


50. 49. The government gave…….the demands of the people.


51. 51. In spite of my requests, he did not—


52. 53. The phrasal verb ‘write off’ means—


53. 50. The Second world War broke………in September, 1939.


54. 54. How did you come by your lost watch? Here ‘come by’ means—


55. 55. Bees have compound eyes………..almost 6000 tiny lenses.


56. 56. You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t ….as you expect.


57. 57. The boy from the village said, ‘I…… starve than beg’. Which of the following best completes the above sentence?


58. 58. I asked him if I……borrow his cap for a day.


59. 59. He replied that she…..some natural.


60. 60. I don’t thing I……..be able to go.


61. 61. He was a rather disagreeable man. Here ‘disagreeable’ is—


62. 62. Depression is often hereditary. Here ‘hereditary’ is—


63. 63. How……….money do you require for his work?


64. 64. ‘Sea’ adjective is—


65. 65. He actually wanted to have motherly affection from her. Here ‘motherly’ is—


66. 66. He was wise enough to accept the offer. Here ‘enough’ is—


67. 67. The adverb of the word ‘heart’ is—


68. 68. Ivanka speaks English fluently……..she knows French.


69. 69. Hardly do I go to New Market. Here ‘Hardly’ is—


70. 70. He was charged…….treason, we need.


71. 71. I asked Razia to come to the cinema……….me.


72. 72. I don’t insist……..his going there.


73. 73. I met a person……..his success.


74. 74. They suffered much……..tornado had his their village.


75. 75. Saima was reading a book……..waiting for the bus.


76. 76. ‘To doctor an animal’ means—


77. 77. ‘To get along with’ means—


78. 78. ‘Blue chips’ are—


79. 79. The phrase ‘over head and ears’ means—


80. 80. Politicians often uses students as—


81. 81. Sher-e-Bangla was a—


82. 82. Can you tell me where…….? Which of the following is the best clause in the above sentence?


83. 83. He asked me why I was late. Here the underlined clause is—


84. 84. Julia has been ill……….there months.


85. 85. After it was repaired, it………again.


86. 86. Cricket enjoys a huge……in Bangladesh.


87. 87. If a substance is cohesive, it tends to—


88. 88. Twenty years…….since my father died.


89. 89. One should be careful about………duty.


90. 90. …….giving me books, he prepared notes for me.


91. 91. Which one of the following is correct?


92. 92. A child likes only sweets. Negative form—


93. 93. The sculpture is very enchanting. Exclamatory—


94. 94. What cannot be cured must be endured. Active—


95. 95. ‘Bounce back’ means—


96. 96. A person who treats mental illness is called—


97. 97. Conscious: Careless


98. 98. The synonym of ‘frustrate’ is—


99. 99. What is the antonym of deformation?


100. 100. Antonym of ‘oblige’?


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